Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pool Party Pooper

It's HOT. Real hot.
Last Saturday we got Frank a great pool for the roof to cool off. We plopped him and he went wild. It was a total success and even prompted him to debut the phrase, "Five more minutes, please." As he splashed around, Jordan and I dipped our feet in and then noticed the water get cloudy..."Wow, our feet must have been dirty!" said Jordan.
Well, we learned about 20 minutes post-soak that the cloudy water wasn't feet dirt or pool dust. It was Frank poop.
Fine, no biggie, right?
Not until we take him to a friends' birthday party and shortly after his first splash in their kiddie pool I hear from his friend, "Something smells disgusting."
Yup. Again. But when it's someone else's pool, filled with someone else's toys and children, it's WAY more embarrassing to see your child's farticles floating aorund.
Total evacuation.
Dump the pool.
Limit Frank's water play to hoses and sprinklers outside our rooftop pool.
Gotta love my party pooper.

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