Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pool Party Pooper

It's HOT. Real hot.
Last Saturday we got Frank a great pool for the roof to cool off. We plopped him and he went wild. It was a total success and even prompted him to debut the phrase, "Five more minutes, please." As he splashed around, Jordan and I dipped our feet in and then noticed the water get cloudy..."Wow, our feet must have been dirty!" said Jordan.
Well, we learned about 20 minutes post-soak that the cloudy water wasn't feet dirt or pool dust. It was Frank poop.
Fine, no biggie, right?
Not until we take him to a friends' birthday party and shortly after his first splash in their kiddie pool I hear from his friend, "Something smells disgusting."
Yup. Again. But when it's someone else's pool, filled with someone else's toys and children, it's WAY more embarrassing to see your child's farticles floating aorund.
Total evacuation.
Dump the pool.
Limit Frank's water play to hoses and sprinklers outside our rooftop pool.
Gotta love my party pooper.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Dirty Mushroom

Tonight I found myself overwhelmed with dinner and I was only "making" a frozen pizza and a salad. Seriously. It's been a long day and I'm still recovering from my birthday tom-foolery. Jordan was out (rushing to file our taxes!) so Frank was in the chair feasting while I chopped veggies for the Digiorno. There were plenty of mushrooms to go around, so I sauteed a few for Frank and kept on with my "cooking". My lack of 100% attention enraged him and he windmilled his tray, sending peas, carrots, cucumbers and mushrooms all over. I count on Stella to eat the mess.
Jordan sashayed in moments later and sat across from Frank while I finished dinner. We talked (he talked and I mostly thought about how half-assed I do things nowadays) and then I started to clean up.
I snatched a bowl from the table and ate a few leftover they were going down something felt gritty. I whipped around to see wide-eyed Jordan, about to tell me those mushrooms had been on the floor.
Could they have been in Frank's mouth? Stella's mouth? When did I last Swiffer? Where had Jordan's hands been before he picked them up?
Answers I will never know.
I'm hoping Corona has antiseptic qualities.
I keep telling Jordan he can laugh now, but he hasn't cracked...yet.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Birthday Month

It's April and it's all mine! I'm the opposite of people who keep their birthday a secret - I shout it from the rooftops! I gave my co-workers a few weeks notice and my friends and family already know I'm going to want to party. I had an amazing trip to Spain, chock full of celebratory drinks, and am ready to rage on Saturday.
The big 30 this year. I can't say it won't happen, but I'm really not feeling sad or depressed about this milestone. I'm proud of how much I've packed in 30 short years and happy with where I'm at. Plenty of room to grow, but I'm good to stay just like this for now!
Birthday wishes? A hot pair of glitter sandals I saw at Payless and a juicy pork chop. Fingers crossed!
Adios twenties! 30 is the new 18.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pants Load

I read about three other blogs. Basically blogs of good friends that I wish I had time to talk to on the phone, but alas, don't. Either my phone is dead or my child is napping and I can't risk a loud laugh waking him :) SO - I read my friend Rebeccah's blog about an adorable remark of her daughter's, and it inspired to write, "Pants Load."

Jordan is a scientist. Compensated for his knowledge of science. And this really happened:
During the month of February, Jordan was in Las Vegas, Italy, Florida and New York. We had a lot of laundry to catch up on. He started a load and I went down to transfer washed clothes to the dryer. I was bummed to see that my new white pants had gotten mixed in with all of our jeans. They are now my new light blue pants and when I mentioned it to Jordan, he responded, "I did a pants load."  Gotta love him.

Friday, March 2, 2012

First time for everything!

This is happening. BLOG!
Keep your expectations low and I'll be sure to impress.

I felt like it was time for our family to have a online place to share our opinions on television shows, daily JorGasms, pictures of Frank (duh), and other insights, annoyances, inspirations and observations. Since I still can't figure out twitter, only have a small presence on Pinterest, and merely use Facebook for photo uploads and general voyuerism, I figure a blog might be the best avenue of expression for the Happy Madrash trio + Stella.

Building this page, one block (I mean blog) at a time.